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Concept art proposal for a independent film. traditional and photoshop.
Enviroment study for the moonbase of the film, photoshop
A fantasy portrait of a viking warrior, photoshop
Still-life study, graphite on paper.
Still-life study, graphite on paper
Quick photograph study with cartoony style, traditional and digital media
Digital sculpt, z-brush 3.1
Parasaurolophus dinosaur, not posed. basemesh in 3d studio MAX 9 and sculpting, texturing and rendering in z-brush 3.1
Alien portrait done in zbrush 3.1
Anatomy study with bizarro head, basemesh in 3ds max, sculpting in z-brush.
Backview of the same sculpt.
Quick enviromental study from a photograph, photoshop
speedpaint, Photoshop
Frog study form a photogra
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